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See also: SHADOWS FILM FESTIVAL | Last update 16.Mar.25

Brief History of a Family  
Review by Rich Cline | 3.5/5

Brief History of a Family
dir-scr Jin Jianjie
prd Lou Ying, Wang Yiwen, Zheng Yue
with Sun Xilun, Lin Muran, Guo Keyu, Zu Feng, Wang Ce, Wang Shi, Zhu Zhu
release US Jan.24 sff,
Chn Apr.24 biff, UK 21.Mar.25
24/China 1h39


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sun and lin
There's an intense, almost sinister undercurrent running through this low-key Chinese drama, which plays out in a tightly contained way among four characters. Writer-director Lin Jianjie observes events from intriguing angles, continually swapping perspectives to draw the audience further and deeper. It's a hushed, slowly gripping story that inventively unpicks each person on-screen. And it cleverly leaves us to fill in the gaps, based on our own experiences.
After shy 15-year-old Shuo (Sun) is knocked down by an errant basketball, classmate Wei (Lin) takes him to the school nurse, then invites him back home to play videogames. Wei's parents (Guo and Zu) like having Shuo around, worrying about his situation at home with his abusive, drunken father. Shuo also helps Wei study English, which his father insists will improve his prospects. But Wei just wants to join the fencing team. So as Shuo becomes more like a member of the family, Wei begins to worry that he's the son his parents really wanted.
Offbeat camerawork, editing, music and sound combine to create an unusually engrossing atmosphere, continually challenging us to think about what we're watching. Fascinatingly, Wei's home is modern and stylish, reflecting the financial security of a top scientist and his ex-flight attendant wife. We never see Shuo's home, or his father, as his more difficult working-class life is inferred through dialog and Shuo's more timid physicality. This inventively creates sharp shifts in the subtle balance of power.

Performances are internalised, which allows us to see into the thoughts and feelings of characters who carefully choose how and when they will express themselves. At the centre, Sun gives Shuo an observant intelligence that can almost be read as passively predatory, although we never question his motives. Lin's Wei is a more complex bundle of emotions, kind but wary and ultimately jealous of Shuo's closeness with the parents he is trying to rebel against. And Guo and Zu also reveal their characters' thoughts using small textures.

Because this is a drama that plays out like a thriller, there's a sense that something momentous could happen at any point. Indeed, several heart-stopping things take place, but they're also staged through this askance viewpoint that demands our involvement. We are continually asking ourselves what we might do in each situation, but the story's twists and turns are impossible to predict. So the film's ultimate haunting message will depend on what we bring to it.

cert 15 themes, language, violence 10.Mar.25

The Empire   L’Empire
Review by Rich Cline | 3.5/5  
The Empire
dir-scr Bruno Dumont
prd Jean Brehat, Bertrand Faivre
with Brandon Vlieghe, Anamaria Vartolomei, Lyna Khoudri, Camille Cottin, Fabrice Luchini, Julien Manier, Bernard Pruvost, Philippe Jore, Anne Tardivon, Marie Vasez, Cedric Fortin, Annick Lefevre
release Fr 21.Feb.24,
US 28.Feb.25
24/France 1h50


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kjhourdi and vlieghe
A bonkers social satire, this French film centres around a galactic war waging around a small seaside town. Writer-director Bruno Dumont creates an epic mythology that plays out with inventive visual effects. The mixture of earthy realism and outrageous sci-fi craziness is instantly fascinating, simply because we've never seen anything quite like this. And what emerges is a witty battle for the soul that's packed with real humanity.
In a village on the north coast of France, young fisherman Jony (Vlieghe) meets new neighbour Line (Khoudri), quickly realising that they have something in common: both are alien 0s protecting the Wain, Jony's toddler son, from the 1s, a rival faction that believes the child is the devil incarnate. Led by Jane (Vartolomei), the 1s see Jony's 0s as demons who are out to destroy the Earth. And indeed they do embrace human depravity. These factions are locked in an existential battle that's leading to an enormous war in the sky above the beach.
Awkward interaction abounds, as this raging conflict is obscured by class and generational issues. Both the horse-riding 0s and light-sword wielding 1s need human bodies in order to take physical form, and they are seen as abstract blobs of black goo or beams of light, respectively, on their elaborate spaceships. At one point, Jony tempts Jane to make the most of their human bodies, and she can't resist. So I becomes tricky to remember they're on opposite sides.

Actors cleverly give these characters an otherworldly stiffness. Vlieghe and Vartolomei hold the film's centre as eternal enemies who have a terrific sense of lusty chemistry, which pointedly makes it difficult to remain at odds. Diving fully into the absurdity, Cottin is inhabited by the 0 queen, who wants to see things firsthand. And Luchini is the man the 1 ruler Belsebuth occupies so he can visit the Wain in person.

All of this is perhaps a bit too pointed regarding religion and morality, but the ideas are big enough to get us thinking even as we enjoy the silliness. The 0s' master plan is to invade the entire earth, ridding each person of their evil nature. But the 1s are confident of victory because the arrogance of the 0s blinds them to the truth. In other words, despite Dumont's tongue-in-cheek tone, this is actually a serious exploration of human nature. Which gives the nutty story and characters a proper kick.

cert 15 themes, language, violence, sexuality 25.Feb.25

Peacock   Pfau: Bin Ich Echt?
Review by Rich Cline | 4/5
dir-scr Bernhard Wenger
prd Michael Kitzberger, Wolfgang Widerhofer, Markus Glaser, Nikolaus Geyrhalter
with Albrecht Schuch, Julia Franz Richter, Anton Noori, Theresa Frostad Eggesbo, Salka Weber, Maria Hofstatter, Branko Samarovski, Tilo Nest, Christopher Scharf, Marlene Hauser, Eva-Maria Frank, Ines Miro
release Aut Oct.24 vff,
US Oct.24 ciff, UK Mar.25 gff
24/Austria 1h42


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schuch and richter
From Austria, this comedy couldn't be much more deadpan, using witty absurdity to explore identity issues through an inventively satirical narrative. Writer-director Bernhard Wenger has a terrific eye for character detail and situational humour. And Albrecht Schuch is a superbly likeable lead actor playing a guy who only pretends to be the hero. So the emotions are deep under the surface, and we feel all of them.
Working at a Vienna rent-a-friend company, Matthias (Schuch) plays partners, sons and other figures in his clients' lives. But his girlfriend Sophia (Richter) has lost track of who he actually is. And so has Matthias. When she leaves him, he becomes determined to find himself. His boss (Noori) tries to help, as does a colleague (Weber) who likes him. And then there's Ina (Eggesbo), a Norwegian woman he meets multiple times, seemingly at random. Then after Matthias gives a client (Hodstatter) courage to leave her husband (Samarovski), and he angrily comes after Matthias for answers.
Offbeat touches include cool settings and editing choices that continually catch us off guard. Scenes spiral off in unexpected directions, often due to interruptions of everyday life. And key questions about the characters' intentions are deliberately left unanswered, forcing the audience to fill in the blanks. As a result, we become intensely invested in Matthias, watching closely as he grapples in often hilarious ways with his self-image.

It helps that Schuch is so likeable, giving Matthias hapless charm in his passive private life and also as he takes charge in his job. So watching the borders blur in his mind is both funny and moving, especially as he tries to work out what other people think. His interaction with Richter's Sophia is infused with his affection and her frustration. Schuch and Eggesbo skilfully build bristling chemistry that never feels promising. And a range of side characters continually provide pointed gags.

The title refers to a creature that's all show, and film indeed looks gorgeous, from the sleek lines of Matthias' modern home to the naked yoga retreat where he tries to get some clarity. This is a fiendishly smart exploration of how who we are is largely defined by what we do, where we are and who we're hanging out with, rather than what's inside us. And it's a reminder that we need to continually check in with ourselves to make sure we don't get lost.

cert 15 themes, language, violence, sexuality 13.Mar.25

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